I first encountered chiropractic as a teenager after a pole-vaulting accident. After months of physiotherapy, spinal taping for my slouched posture and persistent aching in my low-back when running, my parents took me to see their chiropractor who examined and diagnosed a sacro-iliac joint ligament strain and imbalance in my pelvis. After one session I walked out pain-free thinking that chiropractors were magical! He was kind and approachable, listened carefully to my ailments and concerns, and expertly located the exact point that others had struggled to identify. The whole patient experience of being taken seriously, gave me insight into what was going on with my body, from the original injury to chronic pain and most importantly, how I could manage it myself to speed up recovery and get back to the activities I loved.
So when the decision between studying medicine or chiropractic arrived, I chose chiropractic. I wanted to be that magical person for somebody else. Chiropractors have the freedom of time to really listen to people and carefully examine, diagnose and treat a patient as a whole rather than segmentally. My training started at the prestigious Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in 2001, and an education in how the body ticks and what chiropractors can do to help it tick better.
Origin and Philosophies
Chiropractic is defined as the treatment of joints, muscles, ligaments, nerves and tendons using ones hands (hence the 'Chiro' bit - meaning 'of the hands'). It was founded by D.D Palmer in the late 19th century as a holistic way of treating the body through work with the spine. It predominantly uses hands-on adjustments (high velocity, low amplitude) to encourage the correct movement of joints. Historically chiropractic was an alternative treatment for many ailments, however it is now an evidence based profession that deals with predominantly musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders. It incorporates soft-tissue- work in the form of stretching, massage and rehabilitation, and is suitable for all ages as treatment techniques are adapted using a patient-centered approach. It is a regulated profession in the UK, so you cannot call yourself a chiropractor unless you have met the educational and clinical requirements as laid out by the General Chiropractic Council (GCC)
Education in the UK
Chiropractic training in the UK is a 5 year undergraduate masters degree (or 4 years post-graduate programme) covering topics of anatomy, physiology, microanatomy, biochemistry & pharmacology, behavioral science, nutrition, pathology, biomechanics, radiography, radiology, chiropractic technique, geriatric care, paediatric care, sports and injury rehabilitation. Chiropractors must obtain a minimum of 1000 clinical hours and many go on to complete a post-graduate certificate in advanced chiropractic. Chiropractors must complete 30 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to remain registered with the GCC each year.
Who Do We See?
To date, my youngest patient was 5 days old and my oldest 96! Chiropractic is much more than just 'cracking backs'. It is the refined adaptation of modalities to meet a client's needs. Treatment options include:
Chiropractic adjustments or mobilisation
Massage, including sports massage, therapeutic massage and cross friction
Trigger point therapy
Myofascial release
Active Isolated Stretching
Pelvic blocking
Passive stretching
Cryotherapy (Ice)
Gentle traction
Craniosacral (or sacro-occipital technique)
I have gone on to complete further training in perinatal care and paediatrics, including breastfeeding support, so also provide treatment to support babies who have oral or biomechanical restrictions preventing them from feeding efficiently.
Conditions Treated
Chiropractors treat conditions that affect muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and nerves throughout the body. Including, but not limited to:

Low back pain
Mid-back pain
Neck Pain
Frozen shoulder
Hip problems
Tennis elbow
Golfers elbow
Carpal tunnel
Shin splints
Plantar fasciitis
Repetitive strain injuries and sports injuries
Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) & Pubic symphysis dysfunction
Diastasis recti and core rehabilitation after birth
Stress-relief, relaxation, better sleep

In children:
Infant feeding and breastfeeding problems
Sleeping difficulties
Sports injury
Repetitive strain
Flat feet (over-pronation) or over- supination
Stress-relief and relaxation
At Melyn Chiropractic, I include relaxation and stress-relief alongside specific ailments. I like to add a longer massage during treatment, as clients present as a whole; body and mind. I feel it's so important to address both, as pain impacts the brain and vice versa. You will walk away feeling relaxed, informed and armed with how to reach your goals for recovery.
Expert Assessment, Diagnosis and Referral
A typical initial consultation lasts 45-60 minutes where you will be asked to complete a health questionnaire. A thorough medical history will be taken before an examination to check your general overall health and to identify any problem areas. You will be given a diagnosis if appropriate, treatment options and outcomes will be discussed so you have complete control over your recovery journey. If needed, onward referrals for further diagnostic tests can be made or if you would benefit from another type of therapy or expertise. Treatment is usually included in your first session where appropriate and you will be given things you can do at home, such as stretches and exercises, to help manage your recovery. You will be given all the information you need to fully understand what is happening with your body so that you are armed with the information you need to treat it and prevent it from recurring. I do not encourage clients to prescribe to a formulaic courses of treatment as each person if different in how quickly they respond. I will always give my honest professional opinion as to what to expect from your care at Melyn Chiropractic.
Chiropractic is a wide and varied profession and it's all about finding a practitioner you click with (if you excuse the pun)! For more information feel free to get in touch.