Lymphatic massage is a manual technique that aids and optimises the movement of fluid (lymph) around the body.
It is a very gentle technique that uses repetitive mobilisation and massage to encourage lymph to move from the extremities, back to the large collecting ducts in the thorax, to then be moved to the venous system where waste products can be removed via the kidneys and liver.
Your lymphatic system is made up on a circuit of lymphatic vessels connected by lymph nodes and ducts. The lymphatic system carries the fluid, (lymph; full of white blood cells to fight infection, protein and fat rich) to all parts of the body, and removes waste products (such as dead bacteria and viruses) back into the blood to be processed and removed.
Lots of things can stress your lymphatic system such as:
Infection and illness,
Heart conditions affecting venous return,
Hormonal conditions (including puberty, pregnancy and menopause),
Surgery, including where lymph nodes have been removed.
Chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis,
Digestive disorders (chrohn's and IBS or food intolerances)
When your lymphatic systems is being worked, you may find lymph nodes become swollen and tender (ever felt super achey in your joints when ill?), you may notice swelling or fluid retention, especially in your arms and legs.
We rely on movement (contraction and relaxation of your muscles and movement of joints) to help circulate lymph back to the heart, so prolonged periods of inactivity can make the system sluggish.
Lymphatic massage helps getting lymph flowing again which gives many benefits such:
Reduced swelling and puffiness
Improved immune function and recovery from illness
Better appearance of scars
Faster recovery from injury
Improved healing
Reduced irritation of nerves and joints, (especially in conditions such as sciatic, carpal tunnel and arthritis)
Glowing skin
Rebalancing of fluid and flow around the body
Efficient digestion
Lymphatic massage is a gentle, relaxing technique that involves repetitive strokes or movements in the direction of lymph flow. It can be performed as a stand-alone treatment for a thorough detox, or incorporated into you're regular massage or chiropractic treatment as a targeted therapy for a problem area.
For more information on how you may benefit from Lymphatic massage, get in touch.