Pregnancy & Postnatal MOT
Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care during the antenatal, pregnancy and postnatal period uses very gentle techniques to help your joints move optimally. It also helps support the surrounding muscles and ligaments that have to work harder during pregnancy through increased postural demands, and whilst the hormone relaxin does it's job of loosening everything up in preparation for birth. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment for low back pain, mid back pain, neck and shoulder pain, tension headaches, pelvic girdle pain and pubic symphysis dysfunction. A Postnatal MOT also includes a thorough assessment of your core (see Postnatal MOT) for diastasis recti and rehab for your pelvic floor.
Pregnancy Massage & Post-Natal MOT

Pregnancy massage is a fantastic way to prepare your body for pregnancy and birth, to de-stress and alleviate any specific pregnancy-related back or pelvic pain and headaches. We have a special supportive pregnancy pillow that allows you to lie on your front, so no achey hips lying on your side for treatment. Sometimes old injuries can come back to haunt us as postural demands put extra strain on the spine and extremities, pregnancy massage can help manage these conditions.
Giving birth and looking after baby can take it out of your body so a postnatal MOT offers a full assessment and route back to normal activities with individualised support. Babies are more than welcome to attend appointments which are relaxed and easily accessible. C-section scar massage and advice is also available during a postnatal check up.
C-Section Scar Massage

C-section scar massage is a great way of helping your scar heal and to improve it's texture and appearance and help restore sensation. When combined with the specialist massage techniques of manual lymphatic drainage (lympathic massage) and myofascial release, scar massage can greatly reduce the appearance of redness and surrounding swelling, as well as improving functional movement. For more information on scar massage, see our blog post here.
Postnatal Core Stability

After giving birth, your body continues to change and adapt to the new structural and functional demands being placed upon it. Any problems during pregnancy such as pelvic girdle pain, pubic symphysis pain, low back pain or old injuries that have flared up, can continue into the months after giving birth. Conditions that affect your core stability and coordination such as diastasis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction, incontinence/stress incontinence (both urinary and faecal) can be assessed as part of your postnatal check and a management plan designed to help you on your road to recovery. See our Blog post here for further information on your core stability after birth.